Tuesday 3 September 2013

Advice Given By H.H. Shri Mataji Gudi Padwa, 24 March 1993

This is the first day of the year of Sat Yuga. Nature will show you that Sat Yuga has started. Sahaja Yoga has brought Sat Yuga. You should have faith in yourself... you have to believe in yourself... you are realised souls. You should have faith in the working of Sahaja Yoga. What works is your enlightened faith. Complete trust should be there. Look at me, single handed I have spread Sahaja Yoga. Just have faith in Param Chaitanya. If you have any doubts... just ask me. God is not there (in the physical form) but at least I am there to talk to you. Hence Sahaja Yogis should now be free from doubts.

1. Leaders should be very careful. They should become free of all arrogance. They are only a communication link, like I have to put a letter in the envelope and post it. They should be careful of possessions.

2. Whenever we are planning something we should keep our attention on the most important thing. You should keep your priorities clear.

3. If there is negativity, you should tell me... I will work it out.

4. Often organisers get worried about money. In Sahaja Yoga you will always get money but if you worry about money then you will not get it. Money is not so important.

5. We should have wisdom about each other.

6. You should not have any fear. It is all a drama going on... there is nothing to worry. If you say that I am afraid then what am I to say? Even if you make a mistake, it does not matter. I can tell you it is mistake... you should not mind. If there is something to correct... I will correct it. If you are afraid... then your ego will come up... then I will simply pierce it. At least you should not be afraid of me. We learn from our mistakes. We should not be afraid to make mistakes.
(Australian Sahaja Newsletter - 10 February 1996)

Supposing there is no oil in this lamp... it will all go off. It has to have oil. It will go off. So the dedication part is the oil in you... is the attachment... complete attachment to your source. That's the dedication. But that dedication should not give you any other ideas but of a light which shines, which corrects others, guides the path of other people. If that is not so, then the source that you are tapping is not coming to you fully, and that your light is not burning properly. So into Dedication when you go, you must not think that it is any surrendering that you become like a cabbage. But you become dynamic. You become real power... not of destruction, but of construction. I mean, for destruction you do not need much power. And that power, sustained power, flowing power... has to be there. For that... Dedication is needed.

H. H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
(Gudi Padwa, 24 March 1993)

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